Wednesday 2 October 2019

What is the overall message or connotations of the video in relation to the events, issues, individuals and social groups presented. 

 In the non conventional Hip Hop video published by Childish Gambino it explores the black culture and the black social issues in America. Gambino's work is of a higher standard compared to many convectional Hip Hop videos. He doesn't include the usual items of these Hip Hop videos such as money, expensive cars, golden jewellery, Champagne, women and partying lifestyle however he includes the subtle references to the issues overtime and how these have escalated leading to increased gun violence. The music video has the intention of exposing the problems that plague America.

The video includes a lot of intertextuality as it references e.g.  Gucci gang, choir violence, Jim Crow pose, trousers, gold chains and mobile phones. Intertextuality is used in the video to make a direct or subtle reference to another media product. In the video a subtle reference is when Gambino gets handed a gun which he shots all of the members of the choir. This part in the video is a reference to the 2015 Charleston shooting in which Dylan Roof killed nine members of the church in the basement. The mass murder committed was to target the black religious individuals that attend the church. Additionally, this was intentionally added to back up the reasoning for the main messages behind the music video that show the racism and the extremity of the gun violence in America.
The seventeen second silence is also a use of intertextuality which is a subtle it has an allusion to the 17 people who died in the Parkland shooting in the school in Florida we honour the 17 dead by completing and listening to the 17 seconds of silence. He added this in to get some publicity for the tragic event that took place as not always these types of stories make the news headlines. 

Wednesday 25 September 2019

What representation of the artist are constructed in this music video? How does the use of camera, and mice-en-scene help to construct these?


  At the start of Bruno Mars music video '24k magic' the camera angle used is an establishing shot which starts with a private jet landing at McCarran international airport surrounded by luxurious cars which follows the stereotypically Hip hop convectional videos. Bruno Mars is seen wearing a Versace top, designer minks and and a baseball cap. He also is wearing jewellery (rings, necklaces and sun glasses). These items of clothing are all used to signify Bruno Mars wealth. A mid shot is also used to establish Bruno Mars relationship with his surroundings in which he doesn't have any respect for. In the rest of the video Bruno Mars is seen Partying, drinking, having fun by the poolside and playing tables at the Mgm Grand Las Vegas. The video is targeted at young males because these are usually the aspects they value in life. Las Vegas has connotations of wealth and gambling which we see imagery of in the video.

  A long shot is used to show Bruno is in the middle of women which are behind him and the men are at a lower level. using different levels show how insignificant the women are to him which shows the objectification of women. In this shot the women are all dressed in revelling clothing and the men are dressed in expensive clothing (gold chains, glasses and silk clothing which are typically expensive. Typically in music videos women are used to show the dominance of men. 

  A close up is used to show the 'male gaze' this is used to show women as sexual objects for the pleasure of male views. you can tell that the camera shot is filmed from a heterosexual perspective because it depicts women. I think that he wanted to show how attractive he was to the opposite sex.
 Long shots are used to show Bruno mars at a party. as he is enjoying his party lifestyle, glamour and extravagances.

A sideways track is used in the music video when Mars is in a black Cadliac Allante convertible and also when Bruno Mars is riding the jet ski in the fountains of the Bellagio hotel the camera movement was used to follow the movements of the character. These scenes show the ccdilc which usually costs around $40,000. these cars are typically expensive and there is no coincidence that he included this really expensive car.

Mise en scene-
  In the music video there are many props used such as, glasses, rings, baseball hats, jet ski, cars, airplane, champagne, mobility scooters and necklaces. each one of these props is used to signify something specific. The sunglasses, rings, baseball hat, necklaces are used to show all of the jewelry and little things that these rich people waste their money on but it can also be used to show somebody's social status.
The jet ski's, cars, airplanes and mobility scooters are used in the music video to allow Bruno Mars to show the perks of being rich and having wealth. the jet ski is rode in the Fountains of Bellaigo. it costs alot in to get into the area but it shows that Bruno mars has just too much money and could get into anywhere. Mobility scooters were used to present the view that Bruno has too much money that he can't carry it all.

The costumes are also used to show wealth as the males in the video often wear branded clothing which is really expensive (versace and fendi) they also wear silk material-ed clothing which is often seen as a high cost piece of clothing and the women are usually dressed in bikinis or reveling clothing  as it is set from a 'male gaze' point of view.

  Usually with music videos they are edited to get the recorded footage with the lyrics of the video to get them in time to create a promotional piece to publish. in the music video 24k magic by Bruno Mars you can tell that it has been edited because their are different scenes with different locations so the song is integrated into the action of the video.
At the start of the video it cuts from one shot of the private jet and cars then cuts to another perspective to various other images (of the outfits of Bruno Mars, then Bruno's face, girls, then the party life).
Throughout the video it is mainly cuts to show multiple advantages and aspects to a privileged persona life.  A smash cut is also used to transition from a slower movement to a fast, abrupt movement. 

Friday 20 September 2019

Ill Manors: Plan B analysis-

In the starting of the video above it starts with an establishing shot of the surroundings of the area of London. The lighting is symbolism of the stereotypical proverty area. In the background of the establishing shot there is light on the attractions of London where most the the rich people are. The shot shows the less attractive side of London which is portrayed badly. he makes the movement with his hands to show a violin almost orchestrating the violence in the riots not only from the less fortunate but also the police and prime ministers. 

In this there is the use on the low angle shot and red lighting. The low angle is used to show the power and authority that these gangs were portrayed to have during the London riots in 2012. The man spitting shows that he should be feared by others. Red lighting is used to show the panic, worry, distress and anger that the group of less unfortunate and the rest of London had.

This aspect of the video is a very violent scene which included the camera angle of the point of view from the phone which makes the audience as we realise the characters motives. this can been seen as glorifying violence however, from the preferred reading the clip is actually showing that they are willing to embrace the "chav" stereotype. 

In the short clip above their is the skipping between of the music video and the actual news footage of  the London riots in 2012. This can give the oppositional reading that Ill manors is trying to glorify
 violence however really ill manors was tiring to show that these "chavs" are  living up to the stereotype they are made out to be. But really the authorities are supposed to support the youths they're really just making these types of people feel worthless which encourages them to grow into the stereotypes and embrace it.

In this video there is reference to the derogatory term 'chav' which is frequently used to describe people who choose to wear a type of clothing (hoodies). When calling a person a 'chav' it is seen to be just as bad as using derogatory terms used against race and sex. There is also intertextuality used to show what David Cameron said about the younger generation saying that these are the people who typically commit crimes. 

This is a clip of actual news footage in the London riots which makes 

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Plan B-

  plan B's song is about social alienation and the concern for the prejudice towards the people living in poverty.
Ill manors is a hip hop song about the protests/ riots in London 2011. its about plan B's perception of the 'society's failure to nurture its disadvantaged youth'.
Plan B is trying to portray a message that the working class children are perceived wrongfully.
the song is from the album "who needs actions when you got words".
The riots causes the closing of community centres.
class divide is shown in the song.

The song shows both the causes and consequences of the riots, this draws upon Plan B's own experiences with being expelled from school and attending a public referral unit. The song sarcastically attacks the medias views on working class children.
Plan B explained that the use of the word chav was equivalently offensive to "terms used to be derogatory towards race and sex"

Friday 13 September 2019

Use of camera

Media Language: Use of camera

A form of media that uses Cameras to show Media Language is Film's. These use a range of Basic camera shots, Basic camera movements and and camera angles. 

Basic camera shots:

Extreme long shot- 
  Extreme long shot is also known as the Establishing shot, this camera shot is used as a exterior shot to show the time and location. An extreme one shot is usually used at the start of a production to introduce the setting.
long shot- 
  The one shot is used to allow the audience to establish a character and to realise how they feel about the environment they are in. we often see the character from head to toe with shows their mood.

Mid shot- 
    The mid shot follow the long shot and is a camera shot of a characters waist upwards. A mid shot is used to allow the audience to understand the characters motives in the play.

Point of view-
   A point of view shot is when the audience sees what the character sees from a first person perspective. it is usually followed on from a close up camera shot.

Two shot-
  Included in a two shot is two characters and the shot is used to express their relationship.
Close up-
  Usually a close up is of a character from head to shoulder of a character or it can be used to frame an object of significance.

Extreme close up-
  Within this shot all attention is focused on a character or an object of significance.

Camera Angles- 

Over the shoulder shot-
  usually a shot taken over characters shoulders, this enables the audience to view a conversation or interaction.

High angle shot-
  Camera is placed at an angle and it usually shows vulnerability felt by a character.

Low angle shot-
  Camera is placed to look up at a character this shows the power or authority a charcter has over another one.

Camera movements- 

Tracking shot- 
  tracking out signifies a changing of scene and it is used because is engages the audience. 

A side ways track / Crab shot- 
  This shot is used to follow the movement of character or an object. 

Tilt shot-
  Tilt shot is the movement of a camera upwards or downwards which shows the characters view of movement. it is also used to show power.

  Zoom is used as an alternative to to a tracking shot which is moved away from a character. 

ARC shot- 
  This is when the camera moves in a semi circle to the characters or an object. it usually increases the intensity. 

Panning shot-
  A panning shot is when the camera is moved left to right on a tripod and is usually used when a character is searching a room. 

Rule of thirds- 
  Depth of field and can either be deep or shallow focus. 

Crane shot- 
  A crane shot is a shot taken by a camera on a moving crane, it can be moved by a remote control. 

The Media and me

The media and me

Overtime the Media has evolved causing a divide between the older and younger generations. There are many forms of media that affect our society either positively or negatively. 


Personally, this is the main form of media I use as I find that it is a very influential and educational tool. The television has extremely changed over the years and it now has 27,831 channels worldwide. there are various different types of television shows for example reality TV, soaps and documentaries. 
I Find that soaps are a really interesting as this type of media is positively portrayed to communicate worldwide issues that happen to multiple people. Included in each show is different issues that we are trying to tackle as a society for example, Physical abuse, Sexual assault, drug addicts, Mental health and many more. I feel that soaps are a very important aspect to the form of media that is television however, Reality tv is a negative type of show on tv because although it is good for entertainment it is very negative on mental health as each reality show has the same type of stereotypes that makes others reflect badly of there own person image.  throughout the people I have known experiences they have been affected by low self esteem as watching these shows makes you portal yourself badly because of the impact of having the same types of characters on these shows makes us portray our bodies negatively. 

Here is a link about the ways Love island affects our society:


The radio as a media form has a played a small part in my life as its now in transport, shops, restaurants, phones and many more things. There are many radio channels e.g Heart, BBC radio 1, Capital FM, Kiss and more than 1000 more. I know you are thinking why don't I listen to the radio as there are so many channels but its really down to your own personal preference and I personally like Heart and BBC radio .  The radio as a media form is important because it plays a role in information sharing it is also important for entertainment as it is broadcasted 24 hours of the day to give updates concerning the news.

Image result for bbc radio 1Image result for heart radio

The Newspapers play a very small part in my life because technology has improved over time which has meant that it is easier to access the news online on the internet.  Most people think that newspapers have very little significance in our lives but really it lets you know what is going on around the world and in your local community. I feel that our society has been taken over by the internet and social media. There is a widespread concern that newspapers are facing an uncertain future and a long-term decline. All Newspapers have different viewpoints that are often biased.

Image result for newspapersMusic Videos-

Personally, I watch music videos quite a lot however, coming to the realisation that in some music videos especially rap and hip hop women are objectified. The men try to communicate the message that they can get what they want because of the amount of money they have. The way that they portray women makes me feel disgusted that these men are social influences, yet you wonder why we still have a gender divide in out society. In most music videos women's faces are hardly shown which can be seen as women not having identity or a sense of individualism but the main message is showing male superiority. However, i do think that some music videos are educational and are positive for our society. Some music videos are great to make people consider the aspects in our society that no many people pay attention to.  For example a music video that portrays a positive message is the song Stronger by Britney Spears.  she wrote this song about her overcoming heartbreak and becoming "stronger than yesterday" throughout the song she expresses her views that despite her issues to overcome the actual heartbreak she continues to grow stronger and that no women needs a man to be happy.

Video Games-

Image result for Gta 5Video Games don't play a massive part in my life but several of my siblings spend long periods of time playing games. i think that these games can have a negative role on teenagers as they can be addictive but are also good for entertainment. Scientists are concerned about the amount of time people spend on these games and if they affect health. Video games like GTA 5 promote aggression and crime which can cause behavioural problems in people of all ages. Most video games increase aggressive thoughts, feelings and behaviours. It is believed that these types of games helps with problem solving and multitasking which are helpful later in life.  A way that videos games affects my brothers life is that he would rather play video games than socialise which could affect him later on in life as he could feel less confident in socialising with others.

The Internet-

The Internet is a form of media that i spend quite a lot of time on as it helps with communicating with my peers, accessing other forms of media and for education. I am constantly on the internet and you usually see multiple forms of advertising usually on social media sites. i think that the internet has impacted my behaviour because i spend long periods of time on it whereas, I could be spending my time doing something more valuable. There are negatives to the Internet as people get addicted to it and there are effects on health e.g. cyber bullying and inappropriate images.  personally, i think the Internet is effecting our society because most people would rather spend their time scrolling on a screen than interact and socialise with others.


I spend quite a lot of my time watching films and series because i think it is important to me for entertainment. Most films are engaging and contain significant issues within our society to try and educate people on how we can avoid and deal with them. There are many genre of films including horrors, comedy, romance, thrillers and action films which all have a certain message to communicate to different target audiences. An example of a film is James Bond, in each of the films we see that he has women falling at his feet and this is portrayed to show women as small and less important whereas, in the new James Bond film they announced they were going to make women equal to men. Films have been a form of media or a very long time and have been a very positive form overtime.


In the modern world today we are bombarded with advertising every where we go. Advertising is on TV, shops, on the internet, in newspapers, the radio and even on public transport. We see this every where because businesses are trying to persuade you to buy their products. I find it very confusing as when i am on social media e.g. Snap chat,  Instagram, Twitter and Facebook i scroll trough and see products that i have previously viewed, this is a way that company's make their money as they show you what you want to see. I think that advertising is an effective form of media because it is more effective than the radio.


I hardly ever interact with magazines as a form of media however I do read 'Take a break' magazines because my Mum reads them. Magazines are good for entertainment, marketing and services. Magazines includes peoples personal stories, a lot of marketing to help persuade people to buy certain products to help with sales, articles, write ups, interviews, insights and reports from all over the world.  Magazines like Vogue are powerful and are widely read around the world with a audience of 1.2 million readers. This magazine has both a positive and negative influence. Vogue magazines include several images of beautiful women, the advertising is constant throughout the hole magazine but the contents page starts on the 25th page. These types of magazines are damaging in our society as people compare themselves to the stereotypes that look perfect. Vogue Magazines have immense control over individuals in our society.

Image result for vogue magazines negatives and positives

Image result for Vogue

What is the overall message or connotations of the video in relation to the events, issues, individuals and social groups presented.  ...