Friday 13 September 2019

The Media and me

The media and me

Overtime the Media has evolved causing a divide between the older and younger generations. There are many forms of media that affect our society either positively or negatively. 


Personally, this is the main form of media I use as I find that it is a very influential and educational tool. The television has extremely changed over the years and it now has 27,831 channels worldwide. there are various different types of television shows for example reality TV, soaps and documentaries. 
I Find that soaps are a really interesting as this type of media is positively portrayed to communicate worldwide issues that happen to multiple people. Included in each show is different issues that we are trying to tackle as a society for example, Physical abuse, Sexual assault, drug addicts, Mental health and many more. I feel that soaps are a very important aspect to the form of media that is television however, Reality tv is a negative type of show on tv because although it is good for entertainment it is very negative on mental health as each reality show has the same type of stereotypes that makes others reflect badly of there own person image.  throughout the people I have known experiences they have been affected by low self esteem as watching these shows makes you portal yourself badly because of the impact of having the same types of characters on these shows makes us portray our bodies negatively. 

Here is a link about the ways Love island affects our society:


The radio as a media form has a played a small part in my life as its now in transport, shops, restaurants, phones and many more things. There are many radio channels e.g Heart, BBC radio 1, Capital FM, Kiss and more than 1000 more. I know you are thinking why don't I listen to the radio as there are so many channels but its really down to your own personal preference and I personally like Heart and BBC radio .  The radio as a media form is important because it plays a role in information sharing it is also important for entertainment as it is broadcasted 24 hours of the day to give updates concerning the news.

Image result for bbc radio 1Image result for heart radio

The Newspapers play a very small part in my life because technology has improved over time which has meant that it is easier to access the news online on the internet.  Most people think that newspapers have very little significance in our lives but really it lets you know what is going on around the world and in your local community. I feel that our society has been taken over by the internet and social media. There is a widespread concern that newspapers are facing an uncertain future and a long-term decline. All Newspapers have different viewpoints that are often biased.

Image result for newspapersMusic Videos-

Personally, I watch music videos quite a lot however, coming to the realisation that in some music videos especially rap and hip hop women are objectified. The men try to communicate the message that they can get what they want because of the amount of money they have. The way that they portray women makes me feel disgusted that these men are social influences, yet you wonder why we still have a gender divide in out society. In most music videos women's faces are hardly shown which can be seen as women not having identity or a sense of individualism but the main message is showing male superiority. However, i do think that some music videos are educational and are positive for our society. Some music videos are great to make people consider the aspects in our society that no many people pay attention to.  For example a music video that portrays a positive message is the song Stronger by Britney Spears.  she wrote this song about her overcoming heartbreak and becoming "stronger than yesterday" throughout the song she expresses her views that despite her issues to overcome the actual heartbreak she continues to grow stronger and that no women needs a man to be happy.

Video Games-

Image result for Gta 5Video Games don't play a massive part in my life but several of my siblings spend long periods of time playing games. i think that these games can have a negative role on teenagers as they can be addictive but are also good for entertainment. Scientists are concerned about the amount of time people spend on these games and if they affect health. Video games like GTA 5 promote aggression and crime which can cause behavioural problems in people of all ages. Most video games increase aggressive thoughts, feelings and behaviours. It is believed that these types of games helps with problem solving and multitasking which are helpful later in life.  A way that videos games affects my brothers life is that he would rather play video games than socialise which could affect him later on in life as he could feel less confident in socialising with others.

The Internet-

The Internet is a form of media that i spend quite a lot of time on as it helps with communicating with my peers, accessing other forms of media and for education. I am constantly on the internet and you usually see multiple forms of advertising usually on social media sites. i think that the internet has impacted my behaviour because i spend long periods of time on it whereas, I could be spending my time doing something more valuable. There are negatives to the Internet as people get addicted to it and there are effects on health e.g. cyber bullying and inappropriate images.  personally, i think the Internet is effecting our society because most people would rather spend their time scrolling on a screen than interact and socialise with others.


I spend quite a lot of my time watching films and series because i think it is important to me for entertainment. Most films are engaging and contain significant issues within our society to try and educate people on how we can avoid and deal with them. There are many genre of films including horrors, comedy, romance, thrillers and action films which all have a certain message to communicate to different target audiences. An example of a film is James Bond, in each of the films we see that he has women falling at his feet and this is portrayed to show women as small and less important whereas, in the new James Bond film they announced they were going to make women equal to men. Films have been a form of media or a very long time and have been a very positive form overtime.


In the modern world today we are bombarded with advertising every where we go. Advertising is on TV, shops, on the internet, in newspapers, the radio and even on public transport. We see this every where because businesses are trying to persuade you to buy their products. I find it very confusing as when i am on social media e.g. Snap chat,  Instagram, Twitter and Facebook i scroll trough and see products that i have previously viewed, this is a way that company's make their money as they show you what you want to see. I think that advertising is an effective form of media because it is more effective than the radio.


I hardly ever interact with magazines as a form of media however I do read 'Take a break' magazines because my Mum reads them. Magazines are good for entertainment, marketing and services. Magazines includes peoples personal stories, a lot of marketing to help persuade people to buy certain products to help with sales, articles, write ups, interviews, insights and reports from all over the world.  Magazines like Vogue are powerful and are widely read around the world with a audience of 1.2 million readers. This magazine has both a positive and negative influence. Vogue magazines include several images of beautiful women, the advertising is constant throughout the hole magazine but the contents page starts on the 25th page. These types of magazines are damaging in our society as people compare themselves to the stereotypes that look perfect. Vogue Magazines have immense control over individuals in our society.

Image result for vogue magazines negatives and positives

Image result for Vogue

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What is the overall message or connotations of the video in relation to the events, issues, individuals and social groups presented.  ...